Том 3

About Atlas

English summary

The Volume 3 'Population. Economy' is an integrated part of the 4-volume edition of the National Atlas of Russia, created by Russian Federation Government's instruction from May 26th, 2000 № АГ-П9 14991.

The volume is a complex multifunctional cartographic model of population and economic systems of the country at the contemporary stage of development, and meant to be widely applied in management, social, economic, scientific, educational and other areas.

The mapping object of the Volume is the population and economy of Russian Federation coupled with social-economical systems.

Almost all thematic content of the maps is build upon the use of estimate indicators taken from official statistic data, including the Results of Russian National Population Census as of 2002.

The main map scales for the territory of Russia are 1:15 000 000, 1:30 000 000 and 1:40 000 000. Taking into account the specific of territorial structure of Russia, a considerable number of maps are represented by the following way: 1:10 000 000 is chosen for European part of Russia, 1:22 000 000 - for Asian part of Russia. The subject of Russian Federation is considered as a unit of mapping (republic, kray, region, autonomous district, autonomous region).

The Volume consists of 496 pages of maps, texts and pictures, grouped into 4 sections: General Characteristics of Russian Federation; Population and Social Development; Economy and Economical Development; Regions and Regional Development (each section includes several subsections) and Reference Data.

Section 'General Characteristics of Russian Federation' contains the following subsections: 'Place of Russia in the world', 'Territorial organization of Russia', 'Geographical conditions of settling and economy'.

Subsection 'Place of Russia in the world' displays the maps, specifying Russia's place on the global political map, its membership in the international political and economical associations and organizations; gives the comparative information of Russia relative to the countries of the world on the gross domestic product value, electricity generation and consumption, fuel and energy resources.

Subsection 'Territorial organization of Russia' gives the information, featuring the key stages of administrative-territorial changes in historical sequence: Russian Empire, RSFSR, and Russian Federation.

Subsection 'Geographical conditions of settling and economy' contains the maps, that reflect the convenience degree of population settling and its economical activity as regards the natural resources, as well as the maps on water supply of the territory.

Section 'Population and Social Development' is devoted to the specification of population, social environment and social development. Therefore there are 3 subsections in it: 'Population and settlement', 'Social environment', and 'Socio-political development'.

Subsection 'Population and settlement' represents the following thematic features: localization and composition of population, its demographic characteristics and migration processes, urbanization and cities, labor market and population employment, living standard and population health.

Series of maps on population composition gives an overall and detailed specification of population upon sex-age indicators, family, ethnical and confessional composition. In the last block there given maps and text materials, devoted to peoples religions of Russia, religion associations and to Russian Orthodox Church.

Series of maps on population employment allows evaluating the degree of economic activity of population, employment and unemployment rate.

Population health issue is revealed rather more detailed. Here there represented maps on population morbidity and, especially, on social diseases; maps, featuring population nutrition and sanitary-environmental assessment of the territory of Russia. 'Map of medical and ecological zoning of the territory of Russia' gives a finishing touch to this theme with the detailed characteristic of each region with regard to the degree of profitableness of living conditions for population health.

Subsection 'Social environment' displays the characteristics of the status and dynamics of its main segments: healthcare, education, science, culture, living conditions and housing services, recreation, tourism, sport. A special attention is paid to thematic features that are included into the series of maps on living conditions and housing services, which were hardly depicted in Russian cartography. These are the maps, demonstrating the segment of population, living in houses, different in the construction period and type of construction materials (brick, wooden, block, etc.).

Russian Federation has a considerable recreation resources, which is covered with a series of maps on recreation zoning of the territory of Russia, on sanatorium-resort organizations and different kinds of tourism (water, mountain, pedestrian, ski, etc.).

Subsection 'Socio-political development' includes the maps, reflecting the level of social development of Russian regions (typology of regions on social stability indicators) and political development of regions (electoral processes in regions).

Section 'Economy and Economical Development' consists of 3 subsections. The structure of this section is composed on logical transition from the general characteristics of economy to the coherent characteristics of the main economy spheres: Production-Infrastructure-Investments.

Thematic features in subsection 'Production sphere' are given relative to the main branches of 'primary' (agriculture, forestry, fishery and hunt) and 'secondary' (production and construction) spheres of economy. Such approach allows getting closer to the internationally accepted economy classification.

The dynamics of production developments in Russia is rather high and this fact serves as the basis for comprehensive demonstration of ongoing processes. In the production structure of Russia there is an evident distinguishing of the leading branches with regard to their actual importance, and the branches having future prospects. Thematic content is introduced by the maps of inter-branch complexes such as fuel and energy industry, machinery, forestry, etc.

Block of maps on agriculture reflects the natural and socio-economical background of agricultural activity, illustrates a new zoning based on changes of agriculture specialization and its pluralism, and displays the capacity of agricultural enterprises.

Some maps on the service industry in the context of market economy provide the important information on service production sphere that gives about a half of country's Gross Domestic Product nowadays in Russia.

The maps on internal and external trade, which realize the products of the branches in the production sphere on internal and external markets, complete this subsection.

Subsection 'Infrastructural sphere' represents the branches of tertiary and quaternary spheres of economy. Among the traditional themes here there is given the transport featured by traffic networks and separate branches (railway, automobile, water, etc.). Each type of transport is defined by the demonstration of up-to-day status of traffic networks and traffic centers, as well as the dynamics of freight and passenger traffic. The characteristic of railway transport is complemented by the maps on the development of railway electricity supply and organization of railway roads network, which are interesting from historical prospect.

The connection characteristic is coupled with the information on telecommunication infrastructure, which is too important for contemporary society. A new light gives the maps on information and market infrastructure (including bank infrastructure).

'Investment sphere' subsection covers the thematic maps, displaying not only geography, structure and dynamics of investments, but investment climate in regions as well.

'Regions and Regional Development' section is devoted to the regional component of this Volume. Here there given the series of complex socio-economic maps on federal districts, reflecting their socio-economic structure and main features of regional economy. For the first time in the Russian cartography in the series of maps on federal districts there has been marked the types of rural areas on the basis of information of 1890 administrative regions with account of rural population density, nature of settlement and population employment, activity intensity, specialization of enterprises and general landscape.

The section illustrates the key long-term problems of regional development of Russia. It demonstrates the map of socio-economic types of Russian regions.

Reference Data includes the glossary and information sources (literature, cartographic, statistic).